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 Set Ancient

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Cantidad de envíos : 42
Fecha de inscripción : 25/01/2008

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MensajeTema: Set Ancient   Set Ancient Icon_minitimeSáb Ene 26, 2008 12:07 am

Hola a todos, aca dejo una guia de los set ancient que hay , cuantas partes son y que opciones te habilita una vez que lo tenes completo, ahi va :

Dark Knight / Blade Knight

Warrior Set :
* Warrior Leather Helm
* Warrior Leather Armor
* Warrior Leather Pants
* Warrior Leather Gloves
* Warrior Leather Boots
* Warrior Morning Star
* Warrior Ring of Ice

Opciones :
* Increase strength +10
* Increase skill attacking rate +10
* Increase max. AG +20
* Increase AG increase rate +5
* Increase defensive skill +20
* Increase agility +10
* Increase critical damage rate 5%
* Increase excellent damage rate 5%
* Increase strength +25

Hyperion Set :
* Hyperion Bronze Armor
* Hyperion Bronze Pants
* Hyperion Bronze Boots

Opciones :
* Increase energy +15
* Increase agility +15
* Increase skill attacking rate +20
* Increase max. mana +30

Eplete Set :
* Eplete Scale Helm
* Eplete Scale Armor
* Eplete Scale Pants
* Eplete Plate Shield
* Eplete Pendant of Lightning

Opciones :
* Increase Skill attacking rate +15
* Increase damage success rate +50
* Increase wizzardry dmg +5%
* Increase max. life +50
* Increase Max. AG +30
* Increase Critical Damage rate +10%
* Increase Excellent Damage rate +10%

Garuda Set :
* Garuda Brass Armor
* Garuda Brass Pants
* Garuda Brass Gloves
* Garuda Brass Boots
* Garuda Pendant of Fire

Opciones :
* Increase max. AG +30
* Double Damage Rate +5%
* Increase Energy +15
* Increase Max. Life +50
* Increase Skill attacking Rate +25
* Increase Wizardry Damage +15%

Kantata Set :
* Kantata Plate Armor
* Kantata Plate Gloves
* Kantata Plate Boots
* Kantata Ring of Poison
* Kantata Ring of Wind

Opciones :
* Increase energy +15
* Increase stamina +30
* Increase Wizzardry dmg +10%
* Increase Strength +15
* Increase Skill Attacking rate +25
* Increase Excellent Dmg Rate +10%
* Increase Excellent Dmg +20

Hyon Set :
* Hyon Dragon Helm
* Hyon Dragon Gloves
* Hyon Dragon Boots
* Hyon Lighting Sword

Opciones :
* Increase defensive skill +25
* Increase Double Damage rate +10%
* Increase skill attacking rate +20
* Increase critical dmg rate +15%
* Increase excellent dmg rate +15%
* Increase critical dmg +20
* Increase excellent dmg +20

Dark Wizard / Soul Master :

Apallo Set :
* Apollo Pad Helm
* Apollo Pad Armor
* Apollo Pad Pants
* Apollo Pad Gloves
* Apollo Skull Staff
* Apollo Pendant of Ice
* Apollo Ring of Magic

Opciones :
* Increase Energy +10
* Increase Wizardry Dmg +5%
* Increase Skill Attacking Rate +10
* Increase Max. Mana +30
* Increase Max. Life +30
* Increase Max. AG +20
* Increase critical damage rate 10%
* Increase excellent damage rate 10%
* Increase energy +30

Evis Set :
* Evis Bone Boots
* Evis Bone Armor
* Evis Bone Pants
* Evis Pendant of Wind

Opciones :
* Increase Skill attacking rate +15
* Increase Stamina +20
* Increase Wizardry dmg rate +10%
* Increase Double Dmg rate +5%
* Increase Damage Success rate +50
* Increase AG increase rate +5

Heras Set :
* Heras Sphinx Mask
* Heras Sphinx Armor
* Heras Sphinx Pants
* Heras Sphinx Gloves
* Heras Sphinx Boots
* Heras Skull Shield

Opciones :
* Increase strength +15
* Increase Wizardry dmg +10%
* Increase defensive skill when using shield weapons 5%
* Increase Energy +15
* Increase Dmg success rate +50
* Increase Critical damage +10%
* Increase Excellent damage +10%
* Increase max. Life +50
* Increase max. mana +50

Anubis Set :
* Anubis Legendary Armor
* Anubis Legendary Gloves
* Anubis Legendary Helm
* Anubis Ring of Fire

Opiones :
* Double Damage rate +10%
* Increase max. mana +50
* Increase wizzardry dmg +10%
* Increase Critical damage rate +15%
* Increase Excellent damage rate +15%
* Increase Critical damage +20
* Increase Excellent Damage +20

Fairy Elf / Muse Elf :

Ceto Set :
* Ceto Vine Helm
* Ceto Vine Pants
* Ceto Vine Boots
* Ceto Vine Gloves
* Ceto Rapier
* Ceto Ring of Earth

Opciones :
* Increase Agility +10
* Increase Max. Life +50
* Increase Defensive Skill +20
* Increase defensive skill when using shielf weapons +2%
* Increase Energy +10
* Increase max. life +50
* Increase Strenght +10

Gaia Set :
* Gaia Silk Helm
* Gaia Silk Pants
* Gaia Silk Armor
* Gaia Silk Gloves
* Gaia Golden Crossbow

Opciones :
* Increase Skill attacking Rate +10
* Increase Max. mana +25
* Increase Strenght +10
* Double Damage rate 5%
* Increase Agility +30
* Increase Excellent Damage rate +10%
* Increase Excellent Damage +10

Odin Set :
* Odin Wind Helm
* Odin Wind Pants
* Odin Wind Boots
* Odin Wind Gloves
* Odin Wind Armor

* Increase Energy +15
* Increase Max. Life +50
* Increase Damage success rate +50
* Increase Agility +30
* Increase Max. mana +50
* Ignore enemies defensive Skill 5%
* Increase Max. AG +50

Argo Spirit :
* Argo Spirit Pants
* Argo Spirit Armor
* Argo Spirit Gloves

Opciones :
* Increase Max. damage +20
* Increase Skill Attacking rate +20
* Increase Max. AG +50
* Double Damage Rate 5%

Gywen Set :
* Gywen Guardian Armor
* Gywen Guardian Gloves
* Gywen Guardian Boots
* Gywen Pendant of Ability
* Gywen Silver Bow

Opciones :
* Increase Agility +30
* Increase Min. Damage +20
* Increase Defensive Skill +20
* Increase Max. damage +20
* Increase Critical damage rate +15%
* Increase Excellent damage rate +15%
* Increase Critical damage +20
* Increase Excellent damage +20

Magic Gladiator

Gaion Set :
* Gaion Storm Crow Pants
* Gaion Storm Crow Boots
* Gaion Storm Crow Armor
* Gaion Pendant of Water

* Ignore Enemies defensive skill 5%
* Double Damage rate +15%
* Increase Skill attacking Rate +15
* Increase Excellent damage rate +15%
* Increase Excellent damage +30
* Increase Wizzardry damage +10%
* Increase Strenght +30
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